The Ivriah
Housed at Temple Beth El
Berna Sorscher, Secretary
Phone: (810) 720-9494
We welcome your interest in The Ivriah and are happy to give you a bird’s-eye view of our school. Founded in September 1982, we are the combined religious school of Congregation Beth Israel (CBI-Conservative) and Temple Beth El (TBE-Reform). We are a supplementary school, teaching both Conservative and Reform Judaism, with a very strong emphasis on respect for, and appreciation of, diversity in Jewish life. We are financially supported by the Flint Jewish Federation, CBI, TBE and tuition paid by parents. Any child whose family is a member of either CBI or TBE is eligible to attend The Ivriah. The Ivriah is governed by a Board of Directors, the members of which are designated by each of the two congregations respectively.
School Faculty
Members of our teaching staff are hired for their teaching skills, knowledge, sensitivity to children, ability to relate to both children and parents, and the degree to which they can be positive role models for our students. They are skilled teachers whose warmth, sensitivity and caring reflect the best of Jewish values.
The Ivriah teaches both Hebrew and Jewish Studies subjects. Hebrew is taught through Seventh Grade, with an emphasis on liturgy and synagogue skills rather than on conversational Hebrew. Our Jewish Studies curriculum through Seventh Grade includes Bible, Israel, Prayer, History, Holidays, Kashrut, Holocaust, Tzedakah, Diaspora Jewry, Current Events, Ethics and Values, and Life Cycle Events. Some of these areas are covered every year, and others are assigned to specific grade levels. Our Eighth-Tenth Grade curriculum includes the study of many areas not previously covered, such as Holocaust (in depth), Israel and Zionism, Jewish Literature, Women in Judaism, Neviim (Prophets), Ketuvim (Writings), Jewish Personal Living, Famous American Jews, Pirke Avot (Ethics of the Fathers), Comparative Judaism, Comparative Religion, Judaism and the Supernatural and others.
Our Sixth and Seventh Grade Hebrew curriculum includes preparation for Bar/Bat Mitzvah, and part of our Tenth Grade curriculum is devoted to preparation for Confirmation. Although Bar/Bat Mitzvah and Confirmation are congregational, not Ivriah, events, our students are trained for these Jewish milestones within the context of The Ivriah.
Ivriah tuition for the 2020-2021 school year is between $250-400 for the year. Parents are billed by the congregation in which the family has membership, and tuition is paid to the congregation. Scholarships are available, and no child is ever denied a Jewish education because of financial difficulties. Requests for financial assistance may be made through The Ivriah Director.
Parent Involvement
The Ivriah considers parents to be the most important avenue for teaching Judaism and Jewish values, and they are an integral part of our school. We call upon parents for help with various projects and programs, we invite them to participate in school events, and we appreciate their input and feedback in the form of questions, comments and suggestions.
Student progress is communicated to parents “formally” through report cards and “informally” throughout the year with notes, phone calls, etc. Our teachers and Director are always happy to speak with parents.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or would like additional information about The Ivriah, please feel free to call Beth Katz, Wednesday and Thursday 10-3. We look forward to hearing from you.