The CBI Board of Directors meets on the second Thursday of each month, unless otherwise posted.
Executive Committee (2020-2022)
Leonard Meizlish President
Jeff Katz, Vice-President House
Berna Sorscher, Vice-President Membership
Jeff Chimovitz, Vice-President Personnel
Wendy Flamenbaum, Judy Kasle Vice-President Ritual
Phyllis Powers, Recording/Corresponding Secretary
Joel Kleiner, Treasurer/Financial Secretary
Frank Kasle, Parliamentarian
Harold Steinman, Immediate Past-President
Board of Directors: Term 2020-2022
Shai Brosh
Wendy Flamenbaum
Hiram Grossman
Christine Mieloch
Board of Directors: Term 2019-2021
Jill Goldberg
Debby Golden-Steinman
James Hotary
Barry Rosen
Beth Israel Bulletin Editor
Vicki Winston
Machpelah Cemetery Co-Chairs
Carol Hurand & Judy Kasle
Men’s Club Co-Presidents
Jerome Feldman & Michael Winston
Sisterhood Presidents (Revolving Monthly)
JULY: Debrah Chimovitz
AUG: Debrah Chimovitz
SEPT: Judith Kasle
OCT: Judith Kasle
NOV: Berna Sorscher
DEC: Berna Sorscher
JAN: Wendy Flamenbaum
FEB: Wendy Flamenbaum
MAR: Debra Golden-Steinman
APR: Debra Golden-Steinman
MAY: Debra Golden-Steinman
JUN: Debrah Chimovitz